總是喝茶或咖啡,早晨想要喝杯不同的超級食物飲嗎?Plants 獨家販售加拿大有機超級食物品牌 Organic Traditions 有機黃金薑黃拿鐵粉,只要加入水或植物奶就可以快速、方便沖泡完成,也能加入果昔中增加營養喔。用充滿營養的飲品開啟活力的一天!
薑黃是來自印度具有5000年歷史的⾃然療法科學 -「阿育吠陀」常用的藥草,被稱為「The Spice of Life」,含有高抗氧化因子,能幫助舒緩發炎、增強免疫⼒。幫助傷口&骨頭癒合、⽪膚健康、⽛齒健康、幫處消化、減緩過敏症狀,等等。

// 黃金薑黃拿鐵 //
1 杯
| 食材 |
200 ml 植物奶 / 杏仁奶、腰果奶、燕麥奶、豆漿等等
2 茶匙 有機黃金薑黃拿鐵粉
| 步驟 |
1. 將植物奶加溫,不要到滾燙以保存有機黃金薑黃拿鐵粉的營養。
2. 加入2茶匙有機黃金薑黃拿鐵粉,攪拌均勻即可享用。

Want to change things up a bit in the morning? Organic Traditions Turmeric Latte with probiotics and saffron, is a great alternative to tea or coffee. Just add water or plant mylk and get an instant Ayurvedic golden mylk.
Ingredients: organic turmeric, probiotics, organic saffron, organic black pepper, organic cinnamon extract, organic ginger extract, organic vanilla flavour, organic coconut milk powder, organic coconut palm sugar & sea salt.
Turmeric is an Ayurvedic herb, known as "the Spice of Life". It contains high amount of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties which is immune-boosting. It is also great for helping of the healing cuts and wounds, skin health, oral health, aids digestion, reduces allergic symptoms etc.
// Turmeric Latte //
1 cup
| ingredients |
200 ml plants mylk of your choice / almond mylk, cashew mylk, oat mylk, soy mylk etc.
2 tsp Turmeric Latte powder
| steps |
1. Warm up your plant mylk but not boiling.
2. Stir in 2 teaspoons of Turmeric Latte powder, and enjoy.
This products does not contain any emulsifying agent, stir as you drink.
