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瑪卡奇諾 Macaccino


總是喝茶或咖啡,早晨想要喝杯不同的超級食物飲嗎?Plants 獨家販售加拿大有機超級食物品牌 Organic Traditions 有機瑪卡奇諾飲粉,只要加入水或植物奶就可以快速、方便沖泡完成,也能加入果昔中增加營養喔。用充滿營養的飲品開啟活力的一天!



什麼是「瑪卡」?瑪卡,俗稱「秘魯人參」是一種根莖植物,含有豐富的蛋白質、多種營養成分,包括維生素C、維生素A、維生素B2 B6、銅、鐵,等等。 它也是種適應劑,幫助調解壓力情緒、平衡賀爾蒙。

// 瑪卡奇諾 //

1 杯

| 食材 |

200 ml 植物奶 / 杏仁奶、腰果奶、燕麥奶、豆漿等等

1 湯匙 有機瑪卡奇諾飲粉

| 步驟 |

1. 將植物奶加溫,不要到滾燙以保存有機瑪卡奇諾飲粉的營養。

2. 加入1湯匙有機瑪卡奇諾飲粉,攪拌均勻即可享用。


Want to change things up a bit in the morning? Organic Traditions Macaccino Drink Mix, is a great alternative to tea or coffee. Just add water or plant mylk and enjoy instantly.

Ingredients: organic cacao powder, organic maca powder, organic coconut palm sugar & organic vanilla flavour.

Raw Cacao vs. Cocoa - Raw cacao is chocolate at its purest form, the different between raw cacao and cocoa is that raw cacao is not treated with high heat, therefore the most nutrients and enzymes are kept. It is packed with minerals like iron, magnesium, calcium etc. High in antioxidants which helps to get rid of the free radicals in your body. Raw cacao is also a natural mood-elevator to keep you happy!

Maca, also known as Peruvian Ginseng, is a root plant that is high in protein, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin B2 & B6, copper, iron etc. It is an adaptogen, helps relief stress and balances hormone.

// Macaccino //

1 cup

| ingredients |

200 ml plants mylk of your choice / almond mylk, cashew mylk, oat mylk, soy mylk etc.

1 Tbsp Macaccino Drink Mix

| steps |

1. Warm up your plant mylk but not boiling.

2. Stir in 1 tablespoon of Macaccino Drink Mix, and enjoy.

This products does not contain any emulsifying agent, stir as you drink.

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