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mise en Plants

mise en Plants, the urban supermarket with a sustainability goal, is officially open!

By expanding on the philosophy of our flagship restaurant, Plants, we aim to create a more conscious lifestyle through the choices made in shopping

mise en Plants ensures high standards of quality and offers consumers premium lifestyle proposals.


The product lineup includes baked goods, desserts, frozen and refrigerated foods, food packets, natural wines, package-free cleaning agents, and fragrances, among other foods and daily essentials. The selection adheres to plant-based and gluten-free principles while incorporating an element of "ceremonies" to enhance the ambiance of life. The food items are carefully chosen, featuring brands that are relatively less known in the market, allowing customers to discover and make choices that suit them best.


"These brands are doing great things, caring for the world in their own way. We strongly support these actions and hope to introduce them to more people through our display space to foster mutual prosperity." As noted by Square, in the days to come, mise en Plants will not only serve as a friendly presence in the community but also provide people with an easy and healthy way to discover more eco-friendly products so that consumption can become a crucial link in sustainable actions.


Regarding the next steps, Square and Lily have not set any limits on themselves, and instead aspire to innovate and reach out to a broader audience through diverse media. With the official launch of the home delivery service, even people in different cities can easily experience the gentle care for the environment from mise en Plants. Together, everyone can contribute to the planet with a little effort.


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Opening Hours

Fri - Tue

11 : 00 am – 19 : 00 pm

Wed - Thu


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